Need Support?

iCanADAPT cannot provide urgent help if you are experiencing a personal crisis, or are at immediate risk of harm.

If you require urgent help, don’t wait. Seek help immediately from a health care professional, go to your nearest emergency department if you can safely do so or call one of the numbers listed below.

Call 000

if your life is in danger, or if you are actively making a plan to commit suicide.

For calls within Australia only

Lifeline Australia Anyone experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide can contact Lifeline. Call 13 11 14
Available 24 hours/ 7 days
Beyondblue Support Service Talk to a trained mental health professional who will listen, provide support and advice and point you in the direction of further support. Call 1300 22 46 36
Available 24 hours/ 7 days
Suicide Call Back Service Telephone and online counselling for people who are suicidal, care for someone who is suicidal or are bereaved by suicide. Call 1300 659 467
Available 24 hours/ 7 days
Mental Health Access
(New South Wales)
The Mental Health Access team can talk to you and refer you to help if you are thinking about suicide. Call 1800 011 511
Available 24 hours/ 7 days